A Brief History of BVNA

The Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association was founded in 1994 with its first event, a tree planting effort in Miner Park. Susan Reeve, a mother of four at the time, began bringing neighbors together to form an association in 1993 to counter forces threatening the area with suburban blight and isolation. With the experienced organization assistance of Beverly Moffitt (the first BVNA president) and many others, BVNA was established. With its efforts, events like the “Business Night” where neighbors with businesses could put their products and services on display, were launched. Other events such as the Spring Egg Hunt and 4th of July celebration were also started and continue annually.

Since its foundation, BVNA has continued to strengthen the community through its social events as well as its support of the area around it. From sponsoring and maintaining the doggy bag supply at Miner Park to working with RLEI to address complicated and sometimes dangerous housing situations, BVNA has been involved in both small and large projects to improve the neighborhood. Though the membership of BVNA has changed hands into the next generation of neighbors through the years, BVNA has grown and continues its vision of supporting the community and bringing neighbors together.

BVNA Board

The Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association board is made up of dedicated volunteers who help BVNA function and grow. Their goal is to strengthen the community bonds of our neighborhood through social events and activities. Without the dedicated time and effort of the BVNA board and other members this neighborhood association would not be able to exist. Being part of the board is not a full time job, but does require a bit more of a commitment than the other roles. We are always interested in helping new people come on board and find the areas that match their skillset.

The 2024 BVNA Board




Steve Moffett

My name is Steve Moffett. My wife Diane and I have been living in Blossom Valley since 2005. I am the newly elected President of the Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association (BVNA). BVNA is a neighborhood volunteer and services-based group that provides a voice to the City of San Jose and the Community.

One of our mission is to improve our neighborhood collaboration, safety and visibility, along with educating the public on what is happening in our neighborhood.

Thank you for being part of 95123!

Vice President

Open Position



Sandee DeBella

My name is Sandee DeBella. My family has been living in the Blossom Valley area since 1988, and in this neighborhood since 2003. Currently I am the Treasurer of the Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association.

About Me
• I have been retired since 2022, and in my free time, I enjoy doing volunteer work for several nonprofits, macrame, reading, traveling with my husband, and hanging out with our little chihuahua, Corndog. You may have seen (or heard) us…she is the one who barks all the way up and down Tonopah Dr. when we walk. She sounds fierce, but is really a sweet girl.
• I currently hold the position of treasurer of the BVNA, which includes balancing the budget, paying for events we hold, and turning in reports to the city in regards to the grant money we receive for the BVNA.

Sandee 1


Marisol Velazquez

My name is Marisol Velazquez. My family has been living in Blossom Valley for 18 years. Currently I hold the secretary position of the Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association (BVNA).

About Me

  • For my favorite pastimes, I enjoy: gym, attending church, and bike riding.
  • What I do with the association: I help out with keeping things updated for the BVNA events, and help out the president of BVNA.

 Newsletter Distribution

 Diane Moffett

My name is Diane Moffett. My husband Steve and I have been living in the Blossom Valley area since 2005. Currently, I am the Newsletter Distribution Chair of the Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association (BVNA).

About Me
• I have participated in BVNA events such as our monthly Miner Park Cleanup, July 4th Celebration, National Night Out and Winter Festival events.
• I enjoy being a Winery Representative at South Bay wine-pouring events for Guglielmo Winery.
• Gardening is one of my passions, along with making homemade jellies and jams.
• I work part-time at 24 Hour Fitness.


Miner Park Cleanup Coordinator

Cassie Caraballo

My name is Cassie Caraballo. My husband and I have been living in Blossom Valley since 2015. Currently I am the BVNA Miner Park Cleanup Coordinator and BVNA Webmaster.

About Me
• In my free time, I enjoy reading, baking, and working out. You can often find me walking or biking around the neighborhood.
• My work with BVNA includes coordinating the Miner Park cleanups, working on the website, and participating in our board meetings to plan events.
• My favorite things about the neighborhood are: the good people and friends I have met, and how accessible it is to so many different amenities- grocery stores, restaurants, library, healthcare, etc.

Miner Park Bulletin Board Coordinator

Sara Langone

Hi Neighbors! My name is Sara Langone. My husband AL and I have lived in our neighborhood for 38 years.

Our children attended Miner Elementary School, Herman and Bernal Intermediate Schools, and Oak Grove High School. While my husband is retired, I still work as General Manager for the gift shops inside the Classic Car Wash.

I became involved with Blossom Valley Neighborhood Association when I volunteered to pass out the quarterly flyers that tell our neighbors all the fun things happening in our area, such as the 4th of July Parade and the Winter Festival.

I also help with the monthly Miner Park Cleanup. You can check out the bulletin board for upcoming dates.

I am also now in charge of the Bulletin Board. I LOVE sharing all the news, recipes and interesting events in our area.

If you see me in the park walking the dogs, please say hello. I LOVE meeting our neighbors.

If you would like to be part of this group, make a difference in our neighborhood, and help plan future fun events, please visit our website BVNASJ.com


Social Media Representative

Lea Metin

My name is Lea Metin. My husband and I have been living in Blossom Valley since 2015. We have 2 daughters that are 8 and 6 years old. Currently I am the BVNA Social Media Representative.

About Me
• I have participated in BVNA events such as the July 4th Celebration, Playdates at the Park, and National Night Out.
• My work with BVNA includes posting upcoming neighborhood events on social media and participating in our board meetings.
• I am the librarian at Oak Ridge Elementary and I love reading to the students, researching children’s books, and making library displays.
• I also enjoy reading, watching my kids play soccer, walking, watching British TV, and trying new food.
• We love living in this neighborhood because of the wonderful neighbors we have met, the diverse plants and trees, and the convenience of shopping.

Additional BVNA Members

Additional members of BVNA volunteer their time, skill and knowledge to the various aspects and events that make BVNA run. Being a member of BVNA is easy and every little bit helps.  If you are looking to get more involved with your community and meet your neighbors, consider volunteering! We depend on our volunteers to run our seasonal events and participate in our projects.

We are looking for volunteers for:

-Neighborhood Flyer Distribution

-Event Organizers and Helpers for the Egg Hunt, Spring Fling, 4th of July, & Winter Event

-Neighbor Outreach

-Event Photographer

Take a look at the link below for the open roles we need help filling!