2024 in Review

Did you know that BVNA hosts monthly cleanups at Miner Park? Our volunteers cover the park, Lean Ave down to Calero, stretches of Blossom Hill, and the neighborhood surrounding the park and Creekside School.

In 2024, thanks to the efforts of BVNA and neighborhood volunteers, we took 57 bags of trash and numerous large items, including roofing materials, a patio table, luggage, and furniture that were dumped on the streets of Blossom Valley in and around Miner Park.

BVNA was also recognized at Mayor Mahan’s State of the City Address as the Community Heroes of District 2 for our involvement and contributions to the neighborhood.

We depend on volunteers to help run our special events like these cleanups, but also our recent Winter Event, 4th of July celebration, and past events like Dumpster Day and the Spring Egg Hunt. These events are always successful with a good turnout, but planning and logistics for these events takes time and effort. We have had to cut back on some events after the pandemic due to declining volunteer numbers and involvement. Our current volunteers get burned out without help.

Please consider volunteering some time with BVNA in 2025. Getting involved is a great way to build connections, meet the good people of your neighborhood, and help make Blossom Valley a great place to live. BVNA makes an effort to be in regular communication with our councilmember’s office, the offices of District 2, the SJPD, and beyond. If you want to see change in your neighborhood, this is a wonderful way to help make it happen.

Please fill out the form here if you would like to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZqPmuQTN9AbHENPJxYhqX11QZ0d7U2N3LevC5tzvAZUDYAA/viewform