Below you will find a list of various member roles that are available in BVNA. These roles are not the only ones that exist but are roles that BVNA could use or are actively being filled. If you have a skill or function that you can contribute but do not see the right role it would fit in, let us know and we can create a spot for that.


If you are interested in learning more about a role or signing up for a position, Please let us know by clicking the "Get Involved" button above OR emailing [email protected]

BVNA Member Roles


The President shall coordinate BVNA activities, preside at meetings of the BVNA and the Board, and shall have such duties as may be designated by the Board.

1st Vice President

The 1st Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in their absence.


The Secretary shall keep minutes of each Board Meeting and General Meeting and provide such upon request.  The Secretary has the responsibility of correspondence at the direction of the President.


The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Association's funds and shall supervise the handling of funds generated and grants received.  The Treasurer shall assure the keeping of proper financial records and report regularly to the Board of Officers.

Bulletin Board Manager

This role takes little but periodic involvement.

This role helps maintain the bulletin board in Miner park. The decorations of the bulletin board such as trim are changed for each season as well as for any major holidays. Additionally, any flyers or posters that need to be placed in the bulletin board are done by the person holding this role. Copies of flyers to be posted are supplied by representative of the board or new letter editor.

Event Chair

This role takes a short but more concentrated involvement which ends after the summary of the event is turned in.

This role helps coordinate the preparations for, execution of and summary review of one BVNA sponsored event. The Chair is the point person who will check off the items of their list to hold an event. BVNA veterans will assist in guidance and provide pre-established resources to help along the way, such as insurance and permit forms or any supplies from previous years. After the event, a summary review is made to help improve the event for the next year. These events use the majority of the Grant funding BVNA receives. The currently established events BVNA sponsors are:

  • 4th July
  • Egg Hunt
  • Spring Fling
  • Winter Social

D2 Liaison

This role attends the District 2 Leadership (D2 Leadership) meetings as the BVNA representative. The meetings normally happen on a semi monthly basis with a zoom option. The D2 leadership meeting is a meeting of the neighborhood associations within District 2 and normally involve updates on a District level or collaboration between neighborhoods. In the event that D2 leadership meeting is taking an official vote the Liaison would cast the BVNA vote on its behalf.

Distribution Team

Distribution Manager

This role takes moderate and periodic involvement.

This role manages the assignments of the Area Reps and the Distribution Runners. They coordinate the delivery of the printed flyers and perform the sorting into runner packets and Area Rep bundles. The Distribution Manager also records the man hours of the runners and reports them back to the Treasurer for Grant purposes.

Area Rep

This role takes little and periodic involvement. 15 to 30 min, 4 times a year

This role distributes packets of flyers to the specific runners assigned to the Area Rep. The Distribution Manager helps assign the Area Rep their runners and provides the needed addresses along with their flyer packets.

Distribution Runner

This role takes little and periodic involvement. 15 to 30 min 4 times a year

This role distributes flyers for BVNA to a section of houses. The Distribution Manager helps assign you a section and the Area Rep distributes the packet of flyers along with a map of your section to you. Around four delivery runs are done in a year. Back up “runners” are also available should anyone be unavailable for a distribution run.

Other Roles

Dog Bag

This role takes little but periodic involvement.

This role helps maintain the supply of dog bags at the dog bag station on the edge of Miner Park. This station is sponsored by BVNA. The station needs to be checked on a periodic basis and refilled as needed. Dog Bags are supplied by BVNA. Any care, cleaning or damage of the station can be reported to BVNA for someone to help address it.

Emergency Prep

Description coming soon


This role makes an effort to gather and archive information and media from BVNA events and activities. This includes gathering copies of pictures taken at BVNA events, archiving a copy of new letter flyers and keeping a list of members to be recognized for their years of involvement. BVNA will assist in digital archiving. This role will connect with the Secretary, Photographer, and other roles to gather this information.

Hospitality Liaison

Description coming soon


Newsletter Editor

This role helps design and create a news letter flyer that will then be printed and distributed by the "Distribution Manager" as well as posted to the bulletin board by the "Bulletin Manager" and emailed to the digital newsletter recipients by the "Digital Manager". The information to be included in the news letter is normally provided by the board or the "Event Chair" of the next event to be publicized.

Park Cleanup Coordinator

This role takes a moderate and regular involvement of 1.25 hours a month on the fourth Saturday each month.

This role hosts the regular Miner Park cleanup event. The will assist in publicizing the event as well as communicating with the city.


The Photographer shall take photographs at BVNA events and submit them to Webslinger for posting to the website and archiving.



This role takes moderate but infrequent involvement.

This role is responsible for updating and improving the BVNA website and any digital storage. The Secretary, Historian and Photographer may provide digital files to be loaded to the website or digitally stored.